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Prof. S. S. Basavanal Library
Karnatak University , Dharwad




It is mandatory for the research scholars pursuing doctoral studies to get the Similarity Index Check (SIC) report with nominal Rs. 200/- before submission of the thesis to Karnatak University. All the theses submitted to Karnatak University, Dharwad will be subjected to Similarity Index Check (SIC) using the anti-plagiarism software “Drillbit”.  In this regard the research scholars have to follow the following guidelines: Click Here for Guidelines

                                                Click Here for SIC form


All the thesis awarded by Karnatak University, Dharwad will be uploaded to ‘Shodhganga: A Reservoir of Indian Theses’. Hence the researchers have to submit,

1. The thesis in the format prescribed by the Inflibnet.  

      Click Here for Shodhganga format.

2. Undertaking and Metadata prescribed by Inflibnet.

     Click Here for Undertaking format

      Click Here for Metadata format










University Librarian
Prof. S. S. Basavanal Library Karnatak University, Pavate Nagar Dharwad - 580003 Karnataka. India