0836-2215212 / 247
Prof. S. S. Basavanal Library
Karnatak University , Dharwad


1 Indiastat quiz on Indian Economy06-03-2025
2 Webinar on EPWRFITS Online Statistical Database reg..20-02-2025
3 Submission of Undertaking and Metadata reg..21-01-2025
4 List of Eligible Candidates for the Interview of Guest Assistant Librarian04-11-2024
5 Application for inviting Guest Assistant Librarians07-10-2024
6 Circular regarding timings of library26-09-2024
7 Circular regarding SIC of articles22-09-2024
8 Circular regarding Refund of Library Deposit13-09-2024
9 Access to India Data Portal14-08-2024
10 SIC for theses and articles reg..24-06-2024


University Librarian
Prof. S. S. Basavanal Library Karnatak University, Pavate Nagar Dharwad - 580003 Karnataka. India