0836-2215212 / 247
Prof. S. S. Basavanal Library
Karnatak University , Dharwad


Book Lending Service


The library follows an Open Access Policy, user can allowed to pick a book of their choice and get issued at circulation section against the borrower’s cards issued to the library users.

The borrowing privileges are as follows:     


User No. of Books Period
 P.G. Students 2-3 10 days
 Research Scholar 05


One Month


 Assistant Professors 15
 Associate Professors 20
 Professors 25


  There will be overdue charges of Re. 1.00 per day. One book will be issued against each borrower’s card.





University Librarian
Prof. S. S. Basavanal Library Karnatak University, Pavate Nagar Dharwad - 580003 Karnataka. India